June 5, 2008

Leadership Character

According to John Maxwell, leadership is influence, nothing more and nothing less. I agree with him totally on this brief synopsis. However, that influence can be either good or bad, depending on the heart of the leader who is influencing. Therefore, when discussing Christian leadership, one cannot stop with this short description of leadership. The leadership abilities of a leader ultimately come from the heart of the leader. Therefore, the heart of the leader is of paramount importance to the followers whom the leader is leading. The heart of the leader is formulated from the character of the leader. Character is probably and should be considered the most important part of a leader's DNA. Without impecable character; including integrity, honesty, trustworthiness, etc.; a leader's ability to lead in the Christian community or anywhere else for that matter has been tarnished. In an effort to discover what others consider leadership characteristics, I would like to take a survey of what you may think. Please respond back to this posting with your top 5 qualities for a leader of excellent character and tell me why you consider them so.

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