July 13, 2008

GIANTS or giants?

1 Samuel 17:26 "Who is this pagan Philistine anyway, that he is allowed to defy the armies of the living God?"

The giants in our lives have a tendency to reveal who we really are. Many times we are introduced to the "real us" through a confrontation with a GIANT! When Goliath announced his intentions to the Israelite army, there was not a man in the entire army camp who was prepared physically, mentally and SPIRITUALLY to accept his challenge. However, there was this one little shepherd boy who had a history of giants that he had faced and defeated. It was from this history of his past giants that David confidently called Goliath's bluff.

Is there a GIANT revealing a crack in your armour of leadership. As leaders we must learn that a GIANT is not only designed to reveal a weakness; but also to prepare, to develop, to encourage and to strengthen our leadership character and ability. Once we learn to look at situations and challenges with the understanding that on the other side we will stand stronger, better and more prepared for the next giant; then we will be able to look at each challenge as a giant rather than a GIANT. It is from this perspective that we will rise and become the leader that God destined for us to be. And it is then, also, that we will effectively lead others to their God ordained destiny.

Step out and lead...now!!

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